
We’re not even going to try to sort out the patches from the updates from the iterations from the campaigns and expansions and expanshalones. If it’s something going into an MMO that’s already out, it lands in this category! [Follow this category’s RSS feed]

Star Trek Online releases Unraveled, its new episode, and its new TFO for console

Console fans are finally joining their PC siblings in Star Trek Online's Unraveled season, which has kicked off on Xbox and PlayStation today. As...

Lost Ark’s Elgacia continent and latest abyssal dungeon arrive tomorrow with the June patch

We're just one day away from Lost Ark's June update, so naturally Amazon is pulling out all the stops on previewing the content -...

Camelot Unchained boss discusses the MMO’s dungeon building tool and character progression

While a lot of what the 10-year-old in-development MMO Camelot Unchained talked about in its last newsletter was about UI updates and alloys, there...

New World devs address cross-world PvP, the new arena, and anti-cheesing measures

New World's latest Forged in Aeternum ought to make all the MMO PvPers in the house happy as it's focused entirely on your playstyle....

EVE Online launches its Viridian summer expansion today [Update: It’s live!]

EVE Online's big summer expansion is finally here, and CCP Games is hoping that players will embrace its theme of "Express Your Identity." The Viridian...
Shoot to wound!

Star Wars: The Old Republic launches Old Wounds today with new story content

We're going to warn you ahead of time that anyone with at least a cursory knowledge of Simon and Garfunkel will be absolutely intolerable...

Dauntless’ latest meager patch notes cause players to assume the worst

MMOs and multiplayer games getting small patches isn't anything new, and is indeed often a necessary part of running a live title, but the...

MapleStory brings a new class, improved leveling, and a new event in its Savior update

MapleStory is once again getting another big content drop on Wednesday, June 14th, in the form of the Savior update, which will introduce a...

Diablo IV sent cosplayers to hawk the ARPG at an LA baseball stadium and bar

At this point, it's clear that Blizzard will throw anything and everything at the wall in order to promote the fact that Diablo IV...

Embers Adrift’s latest content roadmap confirms new zones, new quests, and new creatures

This weekend saw a pretty important livestream debut for Embers Adrift fans, as several of Stormhaven Studios' developers came together to talk about the...

Wisdom of Nym: Has Final Fantasy XIV had less stuff to do each patch in Endwalker?

Just to make a point, I am going to start off this column by answering the question factually, and the answer is "no." Final...

Lord of the Rings Online boss is ‘very psyched’ about possible big lag fix

Everybody's number one complaint with Lord of the Rings Online is, of course, server performance and lag. And it's to this end that Standing...

Destiny 2 discusses June 13 fixes, Last Wish raid numbers, and supremacy mode’s arrival to the Crucible

This week's newsletter for Destiny 2 is a bit of a mixed bag, which is arguably the case for every edition of the post,...
Ox in, free.

The MOP Up: Neverwinter buffs its companion healing factor by up to 100%

Neverwinter's medically minded companions received a massive infusion of green numbers this past week, as Cryptic buffed those particular pets by a significant amount. "We...

Overwatch 2 finally expands Pride content to Poland and Romania following player backlash

When Overwatch 2 decided to launch Pride Month content for the shooter, it did so selectively to accommodate countries the studio claimed had "laws...

Fortnite’s latest season adds dino riding, Optimus Prime, and the ‘this is fine’ meme

If that headline isn't already a clue, the new season of Fortnite that was announced earlier this week has a lot going on. And...

Neverwinter celebrates 10th anniversary with free companions, VIP time, and new content on the PTS

All hail Neverwinter! It was 10 years ago on June 20th, 2013 that Cryptic's Dungeons & Dragons MMO launched. So you best believe that...
Just space.

EVE Online’s Viridian expansion releases on June 13 – here are the patch notes

EVE Online has been making a lot of hay about its Viridian expansion, with preview pieces that offer everything but a release date. That...

Project Gorgon stops tickling fish — and starts angling for them

Everyone's favorite skill-prolific MMORPG is getting serious about its fishing. Project Gorgon's June 1st patch expanded the Angling skill to go beyond "tickling" fish...
Oh no, I'm stuck playing an Asura?!

Here’s what’s coming in Guild Wars 2’s June 27 class balance patch

Guild Wars 2 is once again going to turn the tuning knobs for the MMORPG's various classes, and once again ArenaNet has put up...