why i play

Why I Play is home to our tributes to our favorite MMORPGs. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

LOTRO Legendarium: On the occasion of Lord of the Rings Online’s sixteenth birthday

Sometimes the passage of time triggers disheartening moments when we feel things slipping away from us. The internet seems to nastily delight in prompting...

Why I Play: Pokemon Go (and why I shouldn’t)

I won't lie: Many, many problems with Niantic often cause me to re-evaluate why I continue to play Pokemon GO, especially in recent weeks....
Alive again!

Why I Play: Diablo III – From Reaper of Souls to today

In the first part of this Why I Play retrospective on Diablo III, I discussed the early issues that accompanied the game's record-setting debut....

Why I Play: Diablo III – From pre-release to Reaper of Souls

It's hard for me to believe that Diablo III's May 15th, 2012, release was over a decade ago. And despite its reputation of being...

Why I Play: Black Matter’s shooter Hell Let Loose scratches my RTS itch

I’ve been playing multiplayer shooters since I discovered DOOM 2’s dialup modem DOS commands, and it’s a genre I find myself returning to every...
World Orlando Fontaine Warcraft, as always, is contractually obligated to show up here.

Why I Play: World of Warcraft, 2022 edition

Have you ever watched The Good Place? If you haven't, I suggest you stop reading right now and go watch. Your life will be...

Flameseeker Chronicles: How the Elementalist saved Guild Wars 2 for me

First off, I know I'm not the usual writer for Flameseeker Chronicles, and I'm not ousting Colin or Tina from their spot; in fact,...

Why I Play: Returning to Diablo III in 2022

I don't know if there's a marketing term for this phenomenon, but Diablo Immortal did an excellent job selling Diablo III. Popular streamers all caught...

Why I Play: What keeps me coming back to The Secret World

Now and then I'll allude to being the weirdo who's still playing The Secret World -- not Secret World Legends, but the original. I've...

Why I Play: Examining why Lost Ark has me so hooked

Lost Ark has hooked me pretty deeply. I’m just over 30 levels and five or so days into the game right now, which sometimes...

Why I Play: Returning to Guild Wars 2 and exploring elite specs after nine years

I have a strange history with Guild Wars 2. I fell hard for the pre-launch hype, and when it finally arrived, I loved it...

Why I Play: Monster Hunter Rise is still worth it one month later

It's been over a month since Monster Hunter Rise was released to the public. I was feeling good about the game during the press...

Why I Play: Multiplayer sandbox Eco is so much more than just an ecology simulator

I’ve been struggling to come up with a succinct way to describe Eco. The game was recently the subject of a Whatever Happened To...

Why I Play: Finally completing Final Fantasy XIV’s relic grind

When I started my relic grind in Final Fantasy XIV, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. But after finishing the first few...

Why I Play: Final Fantasy XIV’s memorable Shadowbringer relic weapon grind

I have a love-hate relationship with Final Fantasy XIV. I actively fought against giving the game MMO of the year for 2020, and I hold the...

First impressions: Valheim early access is already one of the best co-op sandboxes in recent memory

Straight away, I'm going to admit that my favorable impressions of Valheim are wholly informed by the fact that I have the good fortune...

Why I Play: Elite Dangerous is the space sandbox we’ve been looking for

Elite: Dangerous was not on my radar when it appeared on the scene back in 2014. I had already spent my money buying a...

From dockyard disaster to sailing success: How World of Warships learned from the Puerto Rico event fiasco

Gamers tend to harp on game companies for the very public mistakes they make. While most of the criticism is clearly deserved, occasionally a...

Why I Play: Exploring World of Warcraft as a free-to-play game

A few weeks back, the Massively OP staff discussed, among other things, whether World of Warcraft's leveling revamp coupled with its continued endless free...
john madden john madden john madden john madden

Why I Play April Fools’ Day

So it's time for our April Fools' Day joke, which means that usually it's my time to shine. Seriously, a lot of these have...