Path of Exile 2 shows off vile, bloody muck ahead of its big ExileCon reveal on July 28

I feel like this screenshot has various diseases.

So you like gore and vile stuff smeared across a landscape in your video games of choice, and you like the saturation turned way down. You want bloody, nasty, squelchy messes. You want vile corruption and things that you are sure smell bad even though you can’t actually smell them through a computer screen. But you also want the games you play to be free and not have the actual stench of real-world corruption. What can you do? Well, Path of Exile 2’s latest video would like to remind you that hey, we can get pretty gross here, too.

The video in question is only a minute-long teaser, but there’s plenty of fungal growth, blood, and stagnant water to make you feel like you’d like a shower with some steel wool after you watch it. It’s pretty gross, in other words, but that’s what you signed up for. Catch the full trailer just below and keep your eyes peeled for more details when ExileCon occurs on July 28th.

Source: YouTube
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